Monday August 19 2024 8:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 8:00am-2:30pm
New Faculty Orientation Agenda
Things to Consider Reviewing Before Arriving on Campus
1. Register for New Faculty Orientation - An invitation will be emailed to you in June
2. Technology and Canvas Resources
Academic Technology Course
Academic Technology promotes and supports the collaborative application of educational and instructional technology to teaching, learning and digital communication for the University. This course provides essentials for connecting, teaching, and developing your skills with technology at UNH.
Calendar of drop-in training sessions for technology academic technologies
Request a one on one session with someone to help you (for example, with Canvas)
3. For on-campus parking during the academic year, fill out a parking permit application
Note: A parking permit will be provided to those attending New Faculty Orientation
UNH Durham Parking Application
UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Parking Application
UNH Manchester Parking permits are issued by security staff in the reception area on the second floor of 88 Commercial Street. Faculty parking permits for UNH Durham are honored at UNH Manchester.
4. University Faculty Resource Guide
5. Open your UNH account and email address (or see emailed instructions)
6. Join NCFDD (after you have your UNH email address)
NCFDD is a professional development, training, and mentoring community for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. NCFDD supports academics from 450+ colleges and universities making successful transitions throughout their careers. UNH enjoys an institutional membership.

To request more information, email teaching.excellence@51jiyangshi.com